What to expect (when you’re not expecting): A guide to getting an STI test

So, you’re sexually active and you think it might be a good idea to get an STI test (it’s even a good idea to get one if you’re NOT sexually active).

But what’s it going to be like? 
Here’s our #SEXYSAFESEX lowdown on where to go, what to expect and what happens next.

Where to go:

You can get an STI test from most Doctors and medical centres. Most universities will also offer them (free if you’re with Medicare).

You can also get them from Planned Parenthood and dedicated Sexual Health Centres

What to expect:

Depending on what you get tested for (but you may as well ask for the whole package) your Dr. might take a swab of your mouth or genitals, a blood sample, a urine sample and a good ‘ol look around at your junk.

If you’re a woman we’d suggest getting a papsmear while you’re there, two birds one stone.

Doctors generally won’t ask you any unnecessary questions, and you don’t need to answer anything you don’t feel comfortable divulging. The only real answers come from the test results anyway.

Then what: 

You will need to make another appointment to come back to discuss results (it can take up to 10 days). Some clinics offer a text message service if you’re in the clear! However, they tend to push for the follow up appointment.

All clear:

Congratulations! You can continue to have #SEXYSAFESEX

Something came up:

Firstly, it’s not the end of the world. Check out our previous “Meet….” blogs. Many STI’s are treatable with a round of antibiotics. Other STI’s are more serious but it is still possible to have sex with a partner as long as your use a condom and are upfront.
You will need to provide the Doctor or clinic with a list of the people who you have slept with since your last test so they can be anonymously tested.

Apart from that, you can get back to your daily routine. Just make sure that you always use a condom!

Meet Hep-C

earing woman

Photo source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Woman_wearing_earring_in_front_of_mirror.jpg

She was nothing but glamour, all the way down to her pleasure state lingerie. You were definitely punching above your weight. A girl like that wouldn’t be carrying anything, right? 


Meet HEP-C

What is it?
Hep C is a contagious liver disease that can range from mild illness to a serious, life-long condition. It can be transmitted sexually, but is most often transmitted through contaminated needles.

How common is it?
An estimated 3.2 million persons are chronically infected with HCV in the United States. There are an estimated an estimated 17,000 new Hepatitis C virus infections each year.

What are the symptoms?
Most HPV infections have no symptoms. Some people may experience illness like fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine, joint pain and jaundice, a yellow color to the skin and eyes.

How do you get it?
Hepatitis C is spread when infected blood enters the body of someone who is not infected. Today, most infections occur through sharing needles or other drug equipment. It can be transmitted sexually, but the risk is not high.

How do you treat it?
There is no medication for acute Hep C, which means a short-term infection, but rest and fluids are prescribed. People with chronic Hep C should be monitored carefully for liver disease and there are several medicines available for treatment.

What are the consequences if left untreated?
Chronic Hepatitis C can result in long-term health problems, including liver damage, liver failure, liver cancer, or even death.

Get Yourself Tested
Anyone who has had sex may be at risk for an STD, even when there are no symptoms. Talk to your health care provider about testing.

Can it be prevented?
There is currently no vaccine for Hep C. Risk of the getting Hep C is cut by not injecting drugs, and using condoms every time if you have sex. Abstaining from sex and sexual contact is the surest way to avoid getting an STD.


Please note- model does not have hep c